
Welcome to St. John XXIII Catholic School Kindergarten! Kindergarten is open to children who turn five by September 30. Our Kindergarten students are immersed in a rigorous curriculum that emphasizes Catholic values, character development and leadership. The challenging core academic program is enriched by instruction in Spanish, the fine arts, technology and physical education. Technology is integrated throughout the curriculum, based upon current classroom themes.
Additionally, trained, certified intervention specialists, a Speech and Language Pathologist, an Occupational Therapist, and on-staff tutors offer extra help for those who need it.
Classes are held daily in a full day session from 8:00 A.M. to 2:45 P.M. An on-site before and after school program is available. Morning Latchkey is available beginning at 6:30 A.M. Afternoon Latchkey is available until 6:00 P.M.