
Religion is studied at all levels on a daily basis and is central to the spirit of our school. Students are instructed in our faith, the sacred scriptures, liturgical seasons, and the moral doctrine of the Church. As a school community, we gather weekly for Mass. Students in second grade prepare for the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion. Eighth grade students prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation.
Academic Subjects
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Religion
Special Studies
- Music
- Art
- Physical Education
- Spanish
- Library Science
- Technology
Support Services
- Speech/Language Pathologist
- Intervention Specialists
- Occupational Therapist
- Title I Reading Tutor
- Resource Room Teacher
- School Counselor
Latchkey Program
Our on-site Latchkey program offers morning and afternoon sessions. The morning session is available from 6:30 A.M. through the beginning of school and the afternoon session begins at dismissal and ends at 6:00 P.M. Activities include supervised outdoor and indoor play, free time, seasonal arts and crafts, snack time and supervised homework help in a safe and secure environment.